Financing social enterprise in ireland – Models of impact & readiness
To contribute to the development of the social finance sector in Ireland
To develop financial instruments for social enterprises
To support the wide range of social enterprise organisations working within any area that falls under the National Social Enterprise Policy

All across Ireland, social enterprises are making a difference in the lives of people in their communities. Supporting these social enterprises has become increasingly important and urgent. But how should social enterprises be supported? What social finance initiatives are needed to give the greatest impact? Would you like to learn more?
Our Latest NEWS
Some of the stories from the project and from our stakeholders.
SocialFinance.ie Roadshows
The Irish Social Finance Eco-system is poised to introduce it’s first new financial product in over 20 years, following research undertaken by Rethink Ireland, Community Finance Ireland, and Dublin City University, in association with the Irish Social Enterprise...
New Social Finance Product for Ireland
The Irish Social Finance Eco-system is poised to introduce it’s first new financial product in over 20 years, following research undertaken by Rethink Ireland, Community Finance Ireland, and Dublin City University, in association with the Irish Social Enterprise...
Social Finance: What’s the point?
The ambition of all within the Social Economy is to encourage sustainability and reduce levels of dependency, where possible, on the uncontrollable, whatever guise it might take. The CVSE (Community, Voluntary and Social Enterprise) sector owes a great deal to the...
Social Finance: Utilised by 50% of Social Economy (surveyed)
A survey on social finance (Sep. ‘21), commissioned by DCU and responded to by almost 200 social enterprises across Ireland, revealed a number of interesting findings. One such outcome was that half of the respondents source their finance directly from the...
Social Impact Bonds
Social Impact Bonds are a relatively recent innovation, circa 2007. They are financial instruments designed to use private, public, philanthropic funds or a combination of these to finance work to help solve complex social problems. It is important to note that SIBs...
Social Finance and the Future in Ireland Event
On Thursday 2nd June 2022, leaders of social enterprises and support organisations, government representatives and social finance experts all met in Buswell’s Hotel, Dublin, to discuss the future of Social Finance in Ireland. As part of the ‘Financing Social...
The project is funded under the EU programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

Disclaimer: This work reflects the views of the authors. The EU Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained on this website and content.