Financing social enterprise in ireland – Models of impact & readiness
To contribute to the development of the social finance sector in Ireland
To develop financial instruments for social enterprises
To support the wide range of social enterprise organisations working within any area that falls under the National Social Enterprise Policy

All across Ireland, social enterprises are making a difference in the lives of people in their communities. Supporting these social enterprises has become increasingly important and urgent. But how should social enterprises be supported? What social finance initiatives are needed to give the greatest impact? Would you like to learn more?
Our Latest NEWS
Some of the stories from the project and from our stakeholders.
Social Finance Survey Winners Announced!
Photo: Emmett O'Hara, Associate Director Community Finance Ireland; Marie McSteen, Director Balbriggan Meals on Wheels (accepting cheque); Christine Rafferty, Balbriggan Meals on Wheels, Director; and Liz Wall, Office Administrator, Balbriggan Meals on Wheels Huge...
Resources for Social Finance in Ireland
Today we would like to provide you with an overview of social finance resources available to Irish social enterprises. While the consortium is working on redressing the gap in suitable, tailored financial instruments for the growing social enterprise sector via...
Thank You (and what comes next!)
From the team at 'Financing Social Enterprise in Ireland' Project, we would like to extend a warm thank you to all of the social enterprises and social enterprise support organisations and stakeholders that helped us in this survey. We have lots of surveys to crack...
Survey Deadline Extended 6th August 2021 @ 12:00
The Financing Social Enterprise in Ireland Project is delighted to extended our survey deadline to the 6th August 2021. We are surpassing our numbers that we need but we are hoping to collect as many voices as we can to help our understanding of the social finance...
Financing Social Enterprise in Ireland Launch 14th July 2021
The 'Financing Social Enterprise in Ireland - Models of Impact Investing and Readiness' was launched this morning 14th July 2021. https://www.youtube.com/embed/cFm8eNNtpwo This short 30 mins presentation aimed to give the background to the project, the overall aims...
Our Survey is Live!
Do you have something to say about how Social Enterprise in Ireland is financed? Please give us 15 mins of your time to share your knowledge, experience and challenges. A chance to win a €250 One4All Voucher* Help Us Improve Finance for Social Enterprise...
The project is funded under the EU programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

Disclaimer: This work reflects the views of the authors. The EU Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained on this website and content.