Financing social enterprise in ireland – Models of impact & readiness
To contribute to the development of the social finance sector in Ireland
To develop financial instruments for social enterprises
To support the wide range of social enterprise organisations working within any area that falls under the National Social Enterprise Policy

All across Ireland, social enterprises are making a difference in the lives of people in their communities. Supporting these social enterprises has become increasingly important and urgent. But how should social enterprises be supported? What social finance initiatives are needed to give the greatest impact? Would you like to learn more?
Our Latest NEWS
Some of the stories from the project and from our stakeholders.
Social Finance: is Not another Grant
And the awareness of how they differ is becoming increasingly important as the Not for Profit sector looks towards sustainability and ongoing success. In September 2021, responses provided to a survey on Social Finance (commissioned by Dublin City University)...
Social Impact Bonds- An Introduction
Social impact bonds are an innovative financial instrument that puts private funds to work to help solve social problems. It represents a monetary influx for social projects and gives investors an opportunity to support social issues and turn a profit all at the same...
Social Finance Workshop Invite Thursday 5th May from 4pm to 5.15pm
We are delighted to invite you to participate in a short workshop and follow up on Thursday 5th May from 16:00 until 17:15. We have been working hard on our Social Finance project and believe we have something that might be of interest to you. This 'model social...
Join Us For Top Tips on what makes a successful Social Finance Application
In conjunction with SocialFinance.ie, Community Finance Ireland will host three information workshops to equip your organisation with all the tips necessary to make a successful application for Social Finance with us.These 45 minute sessions will be hosted...
Social Finance Workshops are nearly here!
We are busy lining up some workshops in the coming weeks starting this Friday 5th November with a packed out 'Organisational structure, form status and potential relationships with group structure' We still have two workshops coming up on the 12th and 26th November:...
EU Taxonomy
In July 2020, the EU’s Taxonomy Regulation entered into force. This is a classification system which establishes a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities: climate change mitigation/adaptation, transition to a circular economy etc. This created a...
The project is funded under the EU programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

Disclaimer: This work reflects the views of the authors. The EU Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained on this website and content.